

Best Paper Award. Received for the best paper with Adriano Garcia et. al. at International Conference on Computational Science and Applications (ICCSA 2020).
Best work in exact earth sciences. Received for the best paper award of my student Renato B. Hoffmann at SIC (Salão de Iniciação Científica da PUCRS).
SAPS Researcher. Received for the best paper award of my students Anthony Vanzan, Gabriel Fim, Greice Welter, and Matheus Sausen at SAPS (Salão de Pesquisa SETREM).


Best work in exact earth sciences. Received for the best paper award of my student Renato B. Hoffmann at SIC (Salão de Iniciação Científica da PUCRS).
SAPS Researcher. Received for the best paper award of my students Larissa Guder and Claudio Scheer at SAPS (Salão de Pesquisa SETREM).


Best Master thesis (under my co-advising for Adriano Vogel). Received from Ph.D. contest on Computer Architecture and High-Performance Computing at WSCAD.
Aurora Cera Award. Received for the best paper award of my student Anderson Maliszewski at XVIII ERAD/RS (18th Escola Regional de Alto Desempenho).


Second best Ph.D thesis. Received from Ph.D. contest on Computer Architecture and High-Performance Computing at WSCAD.
Post-doctorate scholarship. Received 5 years from PNPD/CAPES at PUCRS, Brazil.
Dissertation approved with honors. Received the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from PUCRS and University of Pisa (UNIPI) with distinctions.


Ph.D. internship scholarship. Received 1 year from PDSE/CAPES at University of Pisa (UNIPI), Italy.


Ph.D. scholarship. Received 4 years from CAPES/FAPERGS at PUCRS, Brazil.
Master thesis approved. Received the M.Sc. degree in Computer Science from PUCRS.


Master's scholarship. Received 2 years from CNPq at PUCRS, Brazil.


Best undergraduate student. Received from SEPRORGS in the computer network undergraduate course at SETREM, Brazil.
SAPS researcher. Received for the best paper award at SAPS (Salão de Pesquisa SETREM).